B u r n i n g B u s h

B u r n i n g        B u s h
J.T. Roane 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

many white people seek ways out of normative constructions of whiteness. 
they then end up re-creating their whiteness wherever they go, excluding non-white people.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Noah's Ark on HIV-AIDS

             Most people I’ve talked to about Noah’s Ark find its comic aspects to be the biggest problem. I’ve heard it called a “buffoon show,” and a Black face gay minstrel show. I wouldn’t go quite that far. However there is something that really really bugged me about the show.

 Very early in the first season, Alex decides to break the rules of the AIDS testing clinic where he works by administering an HIV test to a teenager. His boss admonishes him for it. When the test reveals that the Black teenager is HIV positive, Alex decides to quit so that he can make his own testing site in a Black community. Throughout the remainder of the series and the final movie, Alex and the crew work to build up his clinic and to provide HIV testing for Black gay men. Alex and the other main characters, hand out condoms at the club. By the standards of most public health officials, they do great work. They provide testing to alert men of their status so that if they test positive they can stop the spread of the virus and they hand out condoms for prevention.

But there is a major problem here. Alex and the crew support the dominant explanation for HIV-AIDS which, in its limits, allowed the rapid transmission of the virus in all manner of Black communities. That is, Alex and the crew unwittingly forward the idea that the primary locus of intervention to halt the epidemic is the sexual practices of Black gay men. By locating the problem in sex, they erase a wider framing of the disease which might allow us to think about it as a problem that is much deeper, wider, and structural than fucking after a hook up in the club. Sex is not the fundamental cause of the epidemic. It might be the most identifiable and direct, but it is not the primary or fundamental one. Disparities in economics go much further in explaining the differences in rates of HIV-AIDS in specific communities than any study of the sexual practices of specific groups, for instance.  And by focusing on economic disparity, we might address the multiple problems facing Black communities.

For instance, some research suggests that the heat from shoddy crack pipes cause sores on users’ lips which open routes for transmission.  Other research suggests that high transmission rates from the re-use of needles and surgical supplies might be responsible for the astounding rates of HIV/AIDS  in many Africans nations. And, despite the hype, HIV-AIDS is not nearly as infectious during sex as we are urged to believe. But there are factors that make some people more susceptible to initial infection than others. Nutrition, stress, the presence of other STI’s, etc. all make a person more or less susceptible to initial infection. Economic disparities go much further in explaining the nature of the HIV-AIDS epidemic in Black and Black gay communities.

Additionally, the predominant narrative of HIV-AIDS continues to funnel large amounts of resources into ineffective solutions like handing out condoms. Public health officials urge us to sanitize our sex. While I don’t deny that condoms are important for safe sex, the focus on sex inflates condoms’ role in prevention. Handing out condoms might do a bit of the prevention, but the staggering rates of infection in DC, Central Harlem, the Southside of Chicago, and Atlanta show that these are not fully effective solutions for Black communities. Again, gearing our AIDS activism toward one of the fundamental causes of the epidemic, economic disparities, might get us much further in halting the epidemic itself. 

Yo wtf YBF? lmao

Her son is DEF gonna have a small dick...Hubby white, Daddy white....poor kid...LOL
·         reply
Anonymous 's picture
by Anonymous 
9:02 pm - Apr 15, '11
That's not nice of you to say! Why can't we jus be happy for ppl!!!! Why can't we celebrate people for coming together instead of saying horriable things such as what you have commented!!!
·         reply
A LO's picture
by A LO 
9:32 pm - Apr 15, '11
That's not nice of you to say! Why can't we jus be happy for ppl!!!! Why can't we celebrate people for coming together instead of saying horriable things such as what you have commented!!!
·         reply
A LO's picture
by A LO 
9:31 pm - Apr 15, '11
Shit, every 3rd black man on these blogs is wearing high heels or a tranny prostitute or suspected downlow so good for her!
·         reply
Anon's picture
by Anon 

Friday, April 8, 2011

"it's not you, it's your color"

2 year old article from the Advocate by Terrance Dean that talks about gay men dating (or not dating) outside of their race.


Bi-deology Project Part 1

Interesting documentary blog series by black heterosexual identifying woman, Arielle Loren, about heterosexual women's encounters/feelings about dating bisexual men. Very important view point she highlights on sexuality which rarely gets discussed, but should.

-I hope homegirl with the religious issues about dating bisexual men is either married to or not sexing the dude she's all cuddled up with, cus me and her would have to fight.

-I have a bone to pick with the white lady with who made the documentary about bisexuals... I am going to assume she is straight because supposedly this video blog thing is about straight women's encounters with bi men, but she positions bi women in some sort of male fantasy of girl on girl action as if straight male-bi female relationships are the only ones to be considered. Bisexual women have a lot to deal with when trying to date other women, at least in my queer community, similar to the issues that the documentary posits as issues bi men have when dating straight women. I wonder what the issues are when bi men want to date other men.

Queer @ the movies (amendment)

Ok, I totally don't know how I forgot this film but if you haven't see it, please go see The Crying Game, there's a twist in it, so I can't really tell you about it, but um, it's pretty crazy! Worth watching even if you know what the twist is.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The things I find on Craigslist...

Well, as it turns out people (in this case a white lesbian) post things like "Nubian Queen Wanted"... Before I get started, the body of the posting says nothing about wanting the woman to come from Egypt or the Sudan or being royalty, therefore I will safely assume, that "Nubian Queen" is a reference to black women. First of all where did they get this from? Is this a message from the late 80s/early 90s? Last time I checked, we don't use that term anymore. (well maybe the pornos do. I wouldn't know. I do know that they like to say "Ebony" a lot though, so I wouldn't be surprised).

Let's move on... why use Nubian Queen instead of black woman? Well one could say its a sign of respect. A sense of pride and respect for self and one another is where it came from when black men and women began to refer to one another as Nubian Kings and Queens, but it turned into a pick up line, and I'm hoping that people also realized that everyone can't be a king/queen (and definitely not everyone acts like one), and that if you're a descendent of enslaved Africans that were apart of the Atlantic slave trade, its unlikely that your ancestors came from Northern Africa. Either way, your kinda corny for saying it.

But anyway, white woman, with the iffy historical relationship btwn white women and black women (i.e. black women doing white women's domestic work and their own, while being unappreciated and treated like shit... oh wait that still goes on today, but throw in brown women and more immigrants), your wanting to pamper and serve (or in your words, "spoil"), seems more like a fetish than anything else. And that is creepy. Fetishes are more about the fetishist than the fetish object, i.e. its more about wanting to be with a black woman for what she represents in the fetishists desires, than for who she is.

Now I say all this to point out that even if you, white lesbian, turn out to be the best girlfriend in the world, and actually do love your black girlfriend to pieces... you calling her queen does not erase the history/the memories, and in fact it calls attention to it. This is not to say that you won't find a black girl who thinks nothing of it, or who fetishizes you, but let's recognize that there's a little more to the phrase Nubian Queen than another term for black woman.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Being a lesbian at a straight club with another woman...

means you always have to be prepared to grab your balls and the balls of the nigga bothering you.

I was at a party the other night with a young lady While we were waiting for the bathroom, some man wanted to dance with her. She said she was not interested, yet he persisted and went so far as to grab her arm. At this point I felt I needed to say something. Once I did he asked if we were together. I said yes. He said "Oh, I thought something was up. Sorry." and left her alone. I went to the bathroom and when I came out she was in the other bathroom. Unfortunately who was still outside was the same man, who I ended up having to stand in front of while waiting for my friend. He apparently took my location in front of him as an invitation, and proceeded to clutch me around my waist and grind on my ass. While I was pulling away he asked "what happened? you scared of me?"

Riddle me this: why the heck does he feel like I would want his dick on my ass? Why would my not wanting to dance with this old, not attractive, way too forward man have anything to do with me being gay or scared?

One day, possibly when I'm on my period (since that is when I do most of my getting riled up), some dude is going to catch it from me! I am getting sick of these men thinking that because I am a woman and/or because I'm gay, that they have free reign to disrespect me, the female I am with, and/or the fact that I am with this female. They would not as openly do such a thing to a female who they think is with another man. That is the type of shit men find so disrespectful and aggravating that fights break out. So why should it seem any less disrespectful and aggravating to me or any other queer female? Cut the bullshit fellas. Don't get slapped.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Far Away by Marsha Ambrosius

Spring Fashion for Men 2011: Part 1

Randomness in Baltimore

Black queer folks in New York tend to think they have a monopoly on "the scene" North of Atlanta on the East Coast. And there is lots of fun to be had in NYC for a Black gay man. Secrets, Splash, G, etc. etc. But NYC isn't the only place on the East Coast that has fun shit to offer in the way of drinking, revelry, and perhaps debauchery. On a recent trip to the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia), a group of friends and I were running late. We were trying to make it to a spot in DC but it definitely wasn't going to happen by 2 am. We decided, instead, to stop off in Baltimore. After misleading instructions directed us to a 18+ Straight club with NO ALCOHOL, the night started to look like a bust. We decided to look up some other places and, at the stroke of midnight, happened upon Baltimore's gay section. 

The two clubs we went to that night were a vastly different experience from NYC. People weren't as scandalous, but perhaps they were a bit queer-er. What do I mean when I say that? Well, gay men in NYC have convinced themselves that scandal equals freedom. In Baltimore, below the Mason-Dixon line, I felt much more comfortable in a mixed male/female, Black/white/Latino environment than I could ever possibly feel in NYC. See, NYC is plagued by what I like to term gay apartheid. Chelsea and the Village might appear safe spaces for all queer bodies, but I guarantee you after being followed in sex shops, given funny looks on the sidewalks, mistreated by bartenders, etc. it is no environment that readily welcomes non-white, non-male gay bodies. Baltimore's scene is, I'm sure, no paradise. But from my short time there, the people, the bartenders, and the bouncers recognized that they were all marginal simply by having their bodies in the "gay" part of the city. 

Baltimore may not be the best GAY city, but it beats NYC in QUEERNESS. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

my man came out to his father

my man came out to his father.
i'm so proud of him.
i'm scared for him.
MY MAN came out to his FATHER.
i'm so proud of him.
i'm scared for him.
i'm happy for him.
my man came out to his father. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Who doesn't love shopping!?...Online boutiques

I'm going to put y'all on to some online boutiques with dope clothes, bags, watches, jewelry, accessories for much less than you would normally have to pay. What they offer varies from week to week and sometimes day to day:



-Jack Threads only sells "men's" clothes/accessories.
-PLNDR caters to both men and women clothing/accessorizing tastes.
-Sign up for the email alerts so you know when new brands and events (like the "bargin bin") are going on.
-If you're in the market for buying something new, make sure you check in on what new stuff the sites are offering since there is a limited quantity of items. I'm sure you could imagine how disappointing it would be to see something really cool and really cheap only to realize that they don't have it in anything remotely close to your size.

Accused in ‘lesbian’ trial denies confession | The New Age Online

Accused in ‘lesbian’ trial denies confession | The New Age Online

A Mexican Food Junkie's Lament

I assumed that when I moved to New York City I was going to experience a host of new edible delights. In fact, one of my personal justifications for moving from a town with three thousand inhabitants to a city of over eight million with exorbitant rents was the dietary possibilities that awaited me in one of the culinary capitals of the world. I must say that I have been wholly disappointed. Most significantly, I want to know where the fuck is the Mexican food? 

Mexican food is my absolute favorite. The combinations of piquant sauces, velvety cheeses, and crunchy vegetables are absolutely irresistible. And for those of us on limited budgets, the relatively cheap prices for sizable portions usually sweeten the deal. 

But not in Manhattan! In my year of searching from the Heights to SOHO, I have yet to find a decent Mexican meal that I can actually afford. Of course there are Rosa Mexicana (by Union Square) and Dos Caminos (in the Meat Packing District) which both serve decent food. They don’t however meet the full qualifications for Mexican food. Minus the guacamole at Rosa Mexicana, neither of them actually accomplishes the right combination of spices and textures to which my tongue grew accustomed during some time I spent in Cali at Mexican restaurants where Mexicans actually eat. In attempting to turn Mexican food into something acceptable for the palates of upper middle class white New Yorkers, both fail to recreate la comida Mexicana autentica, almost as badly as Rosa Mexicana botches the décor of plazas in la Ciudad. And most importantly, fish tacos should never be more than $15! And la Fonda Taqueria in Morningside Heights is a complete bust!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Questioning Queer

Queer is a great term.
I don't think it means shit to half the people who use it.
It's become another letter in the litany of strung together appellations.
It is blunted. 

Queer's utility definitely stops short of my black ass.
 I can be Queer all day, 
but I'm still goina be a nigger in SOHO, Chelsea, and the Village
, as easily as I'm a faggot in Harlem. 

Queer, as it stands, just won't do. 
We need something new. It needs a new set of teeth. 
What if we retooled it and meant questioning when we said queer?
If Blackness stresses the lines and Queerness questions the lines, what are the politics of our Black Queer nation?
It sure as hell ain't to get married (that shit has been fucked!) and fight in the military (equal opportunity to murder and pillage other poor people of color?)!

Friday, March 4, 2011

XD Experience Window Seat

Queer @ the movies

Some movies that at least have a queer tilt to them. I tried to not include ones that people have seen or are extra talked about like DEBS or But I'm a Cheerleader, or Bound, Boy Don't Cry

Oralndo- Gender bending time traveling ass movie.. CRAZY and CRAZY GOOD!

Watermelon Woman- BLACK QUEER MOVIE about a white-black lesbian couple. The Black star of the film is also the director and writer.

Howl- Movie about the poet Allen Ginsberg

Hairspray (1988) by gay filmmaker John Waters- This one has the drag queen, Divine, playing Edna Pingleton as well as a male character.

Pink Flamingos - Another John Waters film starring Divine. Its called a transgressive film because it goes against conventions and mores that films tend to have. Lots of Taboos, lots of queer stuff going on. So, if you're in the mood for something a little different, go find this one.

M Butterfly - This is about a white French man who goes to China in the 60s and sees a traditional Chinese opera and falls in love with its star. He goes on to marry this star, ignorant of or neglecting (you decide) the fact that in traditional Chinese Operas all of the actors/singers are male. Yikes! Let the drama begin!

Brother to Brother- Young black gay art student befriends an old black homeless man who, turns out, used to be an important figure in the Harlem Renaissance. They find similarities in their having to deal with homophobia.

Frida- Yeah Frida Kahlo got downe too yall!

Shank- (H.W.'s suggestion)... I've never see it but its about a guy who hides his gayness from members of the gang he's a part of.

Angels in America- This is actually an HBO miniseries based on a play by Tony Kushner about Regan era politics and the AIDS epidemic, and also brings in McCarthyism as a sort of parallel. Lots of great actors in this one!

Black.Womyn.Conversations- Great documentary about black queer womyn and basically how they navigate life especially in queer spaces. You'll laugh, you'll think some things are ridiculous, you may even cry. Best to watch with at least one other person.

Better Than Chocolate- corny but cute RomCom movie set in Canada about a lesbian who has to balance having an love affair with a woman while her family, who she is not yet out to, is forced to move into her loft.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Drag Me to Hell and Back.

Mark me each time I enter.
Tag me each time I leave.
I'll carry my own bag.
Leave my body by the roadside.
Bring me back to life.

-Huewayne (someone will save you) Watson

Oh wow... I saw Beyonce at Burger King

Rev. Peter J. Gomes, minister, theologian & out gay man dies

Rev. Peter J. Gomes Is Dead at 68; A Leading Voice Against Intolerance
Published: March 1, 2011
Mr. Gomes, a Harvard minister and theologian, embarked on a campaign to rebut literal and fundamentalist interpretations of the Bible.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Letter to God

God, I have but one request.

Could I be made a manager in hell?


Camera Happy

Love 'em when they're ser'us

Love 'em when they're silly
The founding fathers of this Black Queer Nation outpost.

War! HUH! Good God, y'all! What is it good for? Absolutely nothin'!

Sooo this is what I was wearing today. A fitted, an old military shirt I found in the basement years ago, a necklace my brother brought back from Kenya years ago, baggy "female" jeans (ironically called "boyfriend fit"), and combat boots (that you cannot see). This post is feeding off of the videos I posted about stud on stud, and all such other talk about stud this that and the third, because I have an issue with labels being so hard and fast. I like to dress up... in whatever I think is clever. Whether it is men's clothes, women's clothes, a mash up of the two.. and sometimes women's clothes that fit me like men's clothes, and men's clothes that fit me like women's clothes.
There is no dividing line in the store that says only men may enter or try on or buy what's in the men's section. The word man is in words that I see describe me: human, woman. It seems so simple to me that clothes that are available for me to buy, I should be able to buy. No one gets in a tizzy when females buy little boy underwear, or boy shirts, or boy sneakers. I want to be able to wear any kind of clothes without being labeled. You might have seen me the other day in something that showed a little cleavage, or me in tight jeans, or a shirt that exposed my stomach. And then, seen me the next day in baggy jeans and a non-fitted shirt and a fitted cap. While it may make some of y'all confused, I am not confused at all. I am not an aggressive (i'm not aggressive at all), a stud (which is literally the term for male animals used for breeding), a stem (yall just made that one up and i'm not really sure what it means. my guess is it's for people who dress androgynous but carry themselves as a stud??), a fem-agress (I'm not aggressive once again), nor androgynous (I mean this word could explain me because it means a combination of masculine and feminine characteristics, but then again that could explain any female who is wearing guy clothes, but we can make out that she's a female, or a femme with a caesar, or a butch who wears makeup, or an ag with a perm and any number of other examples and even if you wanted to say its about how the clothes fit, slighty baggy but still shows a female figure, am I still androgynous when I dress to show off my female figure?)... those labels just put me in a box that I can jump out of any second, when I open my mouth, or cross my legs, change my shoes or even just take off my jacket. So just cut it out and think before you label. Clothes do not make the man, and i am surely not going to pretend like I have to be msaculine or aggressive because I wear the clothes of a man.

On a related but side note:
The most ridiculous thing happened the other day. In a les club, shaking my ass, a self proclaimed ag apparently lost herself and was looking, then she noticed that she was looking at what she assumed to be another ag's ass and swiftly looked away and pretended like it never happened. I mean damn if the ass looked good, it looked good.... Sooo, what i'm getting from this scenario is.... its cool to be homo instead of hetero if the homo mimics the hetero (including hetero erotic desire of fem on fem)...but if the homoness looks like homoness, then that's gay... someone, pleaseeee let me know if that makes sense!

"What Kinda Fucking Shit is that?"

FEM GAY VS MASCULINE GAY (original title)

And another Yikes

Other view on Stud on Stud.. Yikes!

Stud on Stud

Stud on dressing in "men's" clothing


"Mapping and Archiving A Visual History of Black Lesbians in post-Apartheid South Africa "

Prove it On Me, Ma Rainey

Went out last night had a great big fight, everything seemed to go all wrong
I looked up, to my surprise, the gal I was with was gone
Where she went I don't know, I mean to follow everywhere she goes

Folks said I'm crooked, I didn't know where she took it, I want the whole world to know
They say I do it, ain't nobody caught me
Sure got to prove it on me
Went out last night with a crowd of my friends
They must have been women 'cause I don't like no men

It's true I wear a collar and a tie
Make the wind blow all the while
But they say I do it, ain't nobody caught me
They sure got to prove it on me

They say I do it, ain't nobody caught me
Sure got to prove it on me

I went out last night with a crowd of my friends
It must have been women 'cause I don't like no men.
Wear my clothes just like a fan
Talk to the gals just like any old man
'Cause they say I do it, ain't nobody caught me
Sure got to prove it on me

1st out transgender player on a NCAA D-1 team

Please rise for the national anthem....

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bedtime Stories in the BQN

Bedtime story BQN style with Papa JT reading this wonderful selection from Alice Walker's The Color Purple:

"She say, I love you, Miss Celie. And then she haul off and kiss me on the mouth.

Um, she say, like she surprise. I kiss her back, say, um, too. Us kiss and kiss till us can’t hardly kiss no more. Then us touch each other.

I don’t know nothing bout it, I say to Shug.

I don’t know much, she say.

Then I feels something real soft and wet on my breast, feel like one of my little lost babies mouth.

Way after while, I act like a little lost baby too," (pg. 113).

Friday, February 25, 2011

Blue Spirit Blues

Jimmy Got Fingered

Baldwin wouldn’t fuck me even if we were the last two faggots
left on earth. Jimmy liked the Giovannis, John Gallianos, or
maybe an Oscar Wilde. Me, I would take a Marc Jacobs (if the
opportunity came knocking). I don’t even know if pristine cocks
like that are into Black Boys. Queers need an alternative
society. Two men fucking each other will always be an
absurdity. Unless you’re a cunt licking lesbian. Dykes get play
too. Nietzsche knows what I’m talking about. I suck therefore
he comes. Eureka! Freud needs to liberate Foucault. Proust was
on some other shit. Steers, Queers, Fems, Trans, AGs, and
everybody on the DL wants to fall in love. lol!!! Really, gay
people getting married? That shit is hella hetero. Quakers are
my Friends. Those my mutha fuckin niggas….they, get it. Atomic
bombs are uncut. So is Dali. Now Egypt has a revolver. Jamaica
never got their revolution. Tulsa gave Larry Clark a pistol.
(GILTF) “Guy I’d Like to Fuck;” Kanye wears JESUS pieces. Jay’s
a big brother but that nigga just needs a father. TAKE MY LIFE.
I feel like dying.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Flag is Bleeding #2 , Faith Ringgold

Obama Withdraws Support for Anti-LGBT Defense of Marriage Act

Gay Marriage?

The U.S. Department of Justice has announced it will no longer defend the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which bars federal recognition of same-sex marriages. Glenn Greenwald, a constitutional law attorney and legal blogger for Salon.com, who is openly gay, talks about the significance of this decision and how DOMA affected his own choice to live in Brazil with his partner, a Brazilian national. "This is one of those rare instances where I think true and unqualified praise is deserved for the White House," Greenwald says.

Am I alone in thinking this is a banal political move? Marriage is a fucked institution. Could we use outsider status of queerness to explode the discourse of marriage, or should we strive for marriage?  Any thoughts?

The Liberation of Aunt Jemima, by Betye Saar. 1972

Untitled Basquiat "Angel," 1982

Hot song!


I am Prometheus. I carry fire in my pocket. I didn't steal the fire,
though. I always had it. I just stole the contraption that captures
it, always remembering that I hold the fire, it captures it. I may be
chained to this here rock, because they told me I stole (I was only
taking what was mine in the first place), but none of that matters
now. I was brought here in chains, raised in chains, fucked in chains,
was raped in chains, was wrapped in chains and lulled to sleep by my
mother, comforted in chains, at this point the chains feel like they
are made of the finest material in the world, like they are a part of
my skin. This rock I am chained to will never feel like anything but
what it is. In chains upon a rock is how I shall live out the rest of
my days, with daily little deaths they call my punishment to remind me
to not make this rock into a home.
I am Prometheus. Send your henchmen to feed off my liver, you unseen
baseborn idol who births unknowing bastards everyday and tells them
they came from underneath the virgin Lady Liberty's garment. I don't
need a fucking liver, but bring me libations anyway. Let me show them
where the fire really came from. Everyday I die la petite mort when
you steal my liver from me, and I let the alcohol ignite my blood to
give birth to my soul outside my mortal being. For I am the one true
container of fire and, the truth is, that is why my body is chained
here to this day.
I am not just Prometheus, but I am the very thing you claim I stole.
I am fire. And, yes, you are right. Everyday I steal myself back.
Everyday I steal away home. So after each climax of the day, I pull
out my lighter, light a cigarette, and blow a smoke screen in your
face while my phoenix of a soul goes off to inhabit the world happily,
while you think you got me under your thumb. Keep the cigarettes
coming, won't you?

harlem outpost