B u r n i n g B u s h

B u r n i n g        B u s h
J.T. Roane 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Being a lesbian at a straight club with another woman...

means you always have to be prepared to grab your balls and the balls of the nigga bothering you.

I was at a party the other night with a young lady While we were waiting for the bathroom, some man wanted to dance with her. She said she was not interested, yet he persisted and went so far as to grab her arm. At this point I felt I needed to say something. Once I did he asked if we were together. I said yes. He said "Oh, I thought something was up. Sorry." and left her alone. I went to the bathroom and when I came out she was in the other bathroom. Unfortunately who was still outside was the same man, who I ended up having to stand in front of while waiting for my friend. He apparently took my location in front of him as an invitation, and proceeded to clutch me around my waist and grind on my ass. While I was pulling away he asked "what happened? you scared of me?"

Riddle me this: why the heck does he feel like I would want his dick on my ass? Why would my not wanting to dance with this old, not attractive, way too forward man have anything to do with me being gay or scared?

One day, possibly when I'm on my period (since that is when I do most of my getting riled up), some dude is going to catch it from me! I am getting sick of these men thinking that because I am a woman and/or because I'm gay, that they have free reign to disrespect me, the female I am with, and/or the fact that I am with this female. They would not as openly do such a thing to a female who they think is with another man. That is the type of shit men find so disrespectful and aggravating that fights break out. So why should it seem any less disrespectful and aggravating to me or any other queer female? Cut the bullshit fellas. Don't get slapped.

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